2011年10月29日 星期六

[♥Taiwan] Stroll on the old street in Jiou Fen is cool! (but better not on weekends!!)

What if foreign tourists ask you to take them to Jiou Fen (九份) on weekends? As we all know, it’s gonna be like being packed in together as sardines. Yet as the most hospitable local guide, I will say YES!

The old street in Jiou Fen is so narrow that it’s better to walk on the right side, check those stores on the right side, eat at those restaurants on the right side. What about the left side? Check the left side during your return trip. Never Ever stroll along the old street in the route of shape of “Z”.

Here I would like to introduce some food that is featured Jiou Fen:

1.Taiwanese Meatball flavoured with Red Yeast Rice (NT$40)
Red Yeast Rice is bright reddish purple fermented rice, which acquires its colour from being cultivated with the mold Monascus purpureus. Red yeast rice was a commonly used red food colouring in East Asian and Chinese cuisine prior to the discovery of chemical food colouring. It has also been used in Chinese herbal medicine.
Taiwanese Meatball is wrapped by a half-transparent skin which is made from yam starch, corn starch, and other kinds of flour. The meatball is seasoned and coloured by the red yeast rice, so it’s in brick red. Again, tastes differ. So I can’t guarantee that everyone loves it. The best way is to try it yourself J

2.A Lan Cudweed Cake & Taro Cake (NT$10)
Cudweed Cake is one of my favorites food, or I should call it snack, because it’s rather small as the size of your palm. It has a green look, and the texture is a bit chewy and made from glutinous rice flour. The stuffing is grounded pickled radish, so it is vegetarian. If you are really interested, you can stop at A Lan and watch the production process as long as there is no long line or too many people.

3.A Gan Yi Taro Ball (NT$40)
Taro Ball is reckoned as the most famous and the most representative food in Jiou Fen. You will be very full as you finish a whole portion (a bowl full of taro ball!), so it’s highly recommended to order one and share with friends. Another tip is NOT to try Taro Ball the moment you are in the old street of Jiou Fen. Be patient, and you can try more food. Besides, it’s sweet which should be tasted as a dessert after main meals. Again, it’s another chewy snack! I couldn’t help wonder: Why almost all food in Jiou Fen has this kind of texture?

Jiou Fen is also famous for its scenery, both artificial and natural scenes. A lot of tourists come here to have tea on the balcony and appreciate the beautiful view.

In terms of artificial, I am indicating the red lanterns. When it becomes dark, you can even enjoy the beauty of the red lanterns, and the atmosphere these lanterns create.

A lot of movie directors were inspired by the beauty of Jiou Fen, such as the buildings, the stairs, the landscape, and even the narrow alleys. A City of Sadness, directed by Xiao-Xien Ho (侯孝賢), was shot here in Jiou Fen. One of the most popular animation movies of Miyazaki, Spirited Away, has the same scenes in the movie. It’s said that Miyazaki was inspired and touched by Jiou Fen’s beauty, and therefore made such scenes in his animation.

The overview map of Jiou Fen Old Street:


[愛台灣] 假日去九份是發瘋的行為還是最夯的行為

2011年10月24日 星期一

[愛台灣] 假日去九份是發瘋的行為還是最夯的行為


到了老街的入口(旁邊有一間7-11),我眼睜睜看到這樣熱鬧的街,就表示血淋淋的戰鬥要開始了,幾個人一同前往就要緊緊跟隨彼此,超級擠!太驚人了!老街你這樣的窄度塞這麼多人(開黃腔?) 真是辛苦你了!

老街的逛法大家都知道嗎?就是要先逛右邊,回程的時候逛左邊,除非逼不得已,否則不要以Z字型的逛法逛老街(不過我們就這樣做了...) 因為外國友人對布袋戲偶很有興趣想要去一探究竟,這時候留著地主血液的我怎麼能說「不」!


其實這一戰我們本來沒有安排在行程內,可是旅客被吸引惹,我們能說不嗎?於是我們點了紅糟肉圓,根據日本人及韓國人的說法,紅糟風味對他們來說可是非常新鮮的口味呢!還有這種QQ的肉圓皮也是讓他們大呼神奇~當然這樣比較特別的口味,喜不喜翻就是見仁見智啦!因為今天剛好看到一篇報導:部落客薦證不實 最高罰10倍酬金 所以現在講話都要很小心,不如每一段後面都加上見仁見智好了!我們不是吃這間,是因為看到這樣排排躺的肉圓好像眼球包胎喔!有點太多了啦,是誰說數大就是美的!








各位請將一件事情銘記在心:千萬要查好火車時刻表,因為難保你不會遇到駕駛著計程車的壞心人士,計程車司機一路上不停的遊說我們包車回台北,為了想要騙你包車回台北,口中假好心要給我們看最新的火車時刻表,手中卻拿出最不更新的時刻表,還好我是機靈姐,一眼看穿這個大 破 綻計程車司機吃了我的閉門羹之後,就開始唱衰我們,說我們趕不上火車,還要再等四十分鐘...歐 姆 趴~因為一表(火車時刻表)在手,萬事皆可達!


For English version, please refer to:
(BE PATIENT!!!! still working on it!)

2011年10月13日 星期四

[留英紀實] 分享在倫敦的日本餐廳



第一間:Jin Kichi
Jin Kichi在地鐵站Hampstead(Northern Line)附近,這是我倫敦的朋友帶我去吃的,果真有仔嗲ㄟ推薦果真不同凡響,這是一間主打日式串燒的餐廳,當然也有賣一些壽司、刺身、揚物、炸物...等等之類的物都一應俱全!跟台灣的日式串燒店很雷同,價格稍稍的比貴一點的日式串燒店貴一點(可能要朗誦出來才能理解這句話的意思)。三個人吃下來,平均一人要26(約莫台幣1250),屬於旅客可以奢侈試一次的餐廳。「這間還有賣雞珍!我的倫敦朋友帶著思鄉的口吻說著這句話,雖然我的感受沒有那麼強烈,畢竟我是從台灣飛到英國旅遊,雞珍對我來說不算是太難得的食物,不過這間的雞珍料理得蠻好的,不乾乾不澀澀,嚼勁有到位!
73 Heath St, London NW3 6UG
+44 20 7794 6158

第二間:Mai Food
也是我的倫敦朋友推薦我的餐廳,可以坐地鐵到Earl's Court這站(District Line)果真有仔嗲ㄟ推薦果真不同凡響 (語句重複),我吃過兩三次。這是一間家庭式裝潢的日本餐廳,位子不多,大概有四、五張四人座的桌子,還有吧檯座位大概六個吧!這些數字都是我腦海中的印象,錯了就算了...有人規定寫部落格要把餐廳的位子算得很精準嗎?每次去都會點的就是綜合撒希米(約莫21=1000台幣)切的厚薄適中,這個是吃生魚片的時候非常重要的一環,有些切很厚的餐廳我真的不知道主廚在鬧甚麼脾氣,這樣我們郎ㄎㄟˇ是要怎麼咀嚼?(真的好海鮮餐廳,我在說你你不要躲!)除了三、四種組合的生魚片以外還有甜蝦,每種都有四份(),算是多變化而且夠新鮮。Mai Food的定食也是蠻不錯的,有些定食還可以改成丼飯,老闆老闆娘算是好說話!
A Kenway Road, Earl's Court, London SW5 0RP
+44 20 7835 0100
Misato在China Town中,名氣大概是第一名吧,以cp值破表之姿闖蕩出一番名號!可以坐到Piccadilly或是Leicester Square(Piccadilly Line) Misato賣的料理很簡單但也很多樣,豬排飯、咖哩飯、照燒系列豬雞魚飯等等的飯類食物都是以大份量先嚇阻客人,所以當餐點端上桌的時候,馬上卸下歪嘴雞奧人客的面具,只覺得天哪這麼便宜(平均6~9)超棒的超好吃的。不過上次我吃照燒雞,可說是要被鹹死囉~勾芡過的照燒醬有一點點沒有化開,但是我怎麼反應?我不在意!為什麼?人哪!總是有這樣的性格,畢竟我們都是小資女孩(顆顆 有跟到時下流行的偶像劇),這種性價比在我們心中的地位就有如最高領導莫那頭目(又有搭配到時下最賣座電影)一樣!
11 Wardour Street, London W1D 6PG
+44 20 7734 0808 
第四間:Ten Ten Tei
Ten Ten Tei我吃過三次吧!是不是次次都是吃親子丼?是!為什麼?因為-- 親子丼!(我愛棒棒堂的節奏念一遍) 其實是因為TenTenTei的親子丼做的非常的優秀!雞肉與雞蛋有如水乳交融一般搭配的非常完美,蛋的熟度達到那最完美的有點熟但又不會太熟的程度,滑順的包覆著很嫩的雞肉,整個嫩上加嫩!相較於其他餐廳賣的親子丼是稍貴了那麼一咪咪(約莫8~9),但我們需不需要在意?不需要!為什麼?因為-- 親子丼!還有朋友點過鮭魚茶泡飯、加州捲,也都可以試試看,但最重要的就是那毫好吃的親子丼哪~~~我每次都是坐到Piccadilly Circus那附近或是坐到Oxford Circus(Central Line)附近一路逛過去餓了剛好吃Ten Ten Tei!
56 Brewer Street, London W1F 9TJ
+44 20 7287 1738

第五間:Eat Tokyo
Eat TokyoSOHO一帶,這一間也是走平實價錢路線的,所以總是大排長龍,不等個30分鐘是謀摳菱的。據說他的親子丼很好吃,身為親子丼專家,我覺得以身試法親身體驗看看。結果我覺得還是TenTenTei勝出!因為Eat Tokyo的親子丼醬汁不夠鹹,失敗!親子水乳交融的程度太淡薄,失敗!所以說吃亞洲食物還是不要聽歪郭人的推薦好惹~不過也不要一個波動拳打飛一群人,吃東西本來就是怎麼樣?Tastes differ!

14 North End Road NW11 7PH
+44 20 8209 0079

其實Misato, Ten Ten Tei, Eat Tokyo這三間很近,都在China Town, SOHO的附近,只要用走的都到的了,請見下圖這完美的金三角


2011年10月5日 星期三

[♥Taiwan] Superstitious is No Crime

     I am superstitious! Yes, there I admitted it! What’s the matter with being superstitious? There’s nothing wrong and we shall not be despised. People like me will often treat the God as our very best and intimate friend. How? We will reveal everything, anything! For example, our names (even our embarrassing nicknames), birthdays, where we live, what’s our problems (mentally & physically), how do we feel (the very honest feel), etc., and we listen to them and by all means follow their advice. It’s like we are talking to a shrink that we trust very much. The only difference is that we don’t say it out loud. Sometimes, I almost burst out crying when I am revealing some sensitive details. Exaggerated? Perhaps :)

     Taipei Xia Hai City God Temple (霞海城隍廟) is famous for the “Yue Xia Lao Ren” (月下老人) or “Old Man under the Moon” or “The Deity of Love and Marriage”. Let’s be simple, 月下老人 is the Chinese version of Jupiter holding the red thread rather than bow and arrow. Singletons are attracted by this temple for it has made some impressive history. There have been a lot of couples getting married or single ones becoming non-single after visiting the temple. People will go to the temple and pray for true love, for smooth love, for incomparable love, and for impeccable love. Do you notice how greedy they are or I am? Single people are seeking for true love, people with the other half (BF or GF) are wishing their relationship smooth, and then the next level is to compare with other couples and hope to have an incomparable and impeccable TITANIC-style love. Geez, I guess that’s probably why there are endless disciples paying visits to Taipei Xia Hai City God Temple. 
This temple is located in Dihua Street where the famous New Year Market is held annually during the New Year’s Holidays. The neighborhood is way different from the Department Store-occupied XinYi District and from the stylish East Area of Taipei City. In Dihua Street, you’ll find stores selling dried food, traditional snacks, and some specialties of Taiwan. One snack I have to highly recommend is: tortoise jellies fudge(龜苓膏軟糖). It has a black, plain look, nothing special. Yet the herbal & caramel taste and the texture are addictive! You will want one after another when you are in the class, at work, driving, or relaxing. The restaurants there are more like undecorated food stands offering local, simple, and cheap food, such as a variety of side dishes, noodles, sticky rice, etc.

     If you are the rookies, then you will have to pass through more “gates”, so as you can see from the see-saw below, the pressure is more when you are the first time visiting Taipei Xia Hai City God Temple. The only difference is the first step whether you need to spend NT$260 on offerings to the God. Such expenditure includes not only the offerings but a candy suggesting your life can be as sweet as the candy, and the most important of all: The Red Thread of Destiny (姻緣線)

It is said that people can only have ONE red thread of destiny in their lives. So if you already have one, the first step can be skipped. There are five Gods that disciples need to go through. Tian Gong (天公) is in charge of the overall smoothness; the town god (Chenghuang Yeh, 城隍爺) & Yue Xia Lao Ren (月下老人) are the leading roles of this temple who are responsible for finding you the right one, the MR. Right! If you have someone in your mind, then name it in front of the Gods; if not, then name all the criteria of your dream Mr. Right. Being as detailed as possible is the tip! Here comes the third God: Yiyong Gong (義勇公) is the God of Justice & Courage who can help you fight against the “SH*T* & “SL*T”. The wife of Chenghuang Yeh (城隍夫人) takes care of people’s marriage and the happiness of the family while the deity Guanyin (觀世音菩薩) will bless people with extra luck. One more thing I have to nag about is that when you pray, don’t forget to make a promise that how you will redeem your promise when dreams come true. 

     I seem to be pretty experienced at this; however, no dreams have ever come true and I’m still surrounded by “SH*T* & “SL*T”. But, cases are different. I have to be rather objective about this, and purely suggest this attraction with no hatred. It’s probably a creative topic for Master’s dissertation: Study on the degree of quasi- of the deity of love and marriage. 

It’s a tourist spot with distinguishing features which is worth visiting once in a life time. For more information about Taipei Xia Hai City God Temple, please go to its official website: http://www.tpecitygod.org/


[愛台灣] 愚婦行程 心想事成

2011年10月4日 星期二

[愛台灣] 愚婦行程 心想事成



霞海城隍廟位於迪化街,也就是有名的年貨大街,也是有名的賣布的永樂市場的隔壁。那個附近跟現在時下年輕人愛去的信義區、東區完全不一樣,難道這就是所謂的一個城市兩種風貌?吸底!就是這樣,在迪化街一帶就是一些賣乾貨、年貨的商家,餐廳也就是小吃店、黑白切、當阿咪溝等等之類的。在廟的正對面有一間賣年貨乾貨的店,有個零食叫做:歐買尬,真是毫好吃!真心真意推薦給各位!一包一百元,適合打牌、上班、上課、開車的時候吃,毫 好 吃!

[圖說] 如果各位善男信女是第一次來到霞海城隍廟,那麼你需要通過的關卡比較多(所以比較重往右邊傾斜,概念跟蹺蹺板一樣,我覺得這個舉例實在太精準了),如果你本身是老鳥,那麼可以直接進入核心開始拜!其實就只差在需不需要去辦事處購買供品與紅線,這之中還包含一顆糖果,意涵是讓你吃的甜甜也能幸福甜甜。因為據說只能求一條紅線,所以第一次才需要花NT$260做這件事情!再來就都是一個相同的行程,花NT$50購買香,然後就可以開始拜了,順序是:天公-->城隍爺暨月下老人-->義勇公-->城隍夫人-->觀世音菩薩,全部拜完再到外面的香爐插上即可,然後再拿出紅線過香爐順時針繞三圈。最後用紙杯裝一杯用枸杞、桂圓、還有信徒們拜拜的供品糖果熬煮而成的茶,也是象徵把甜甜的滋味喝進去,就能夠感受到甜蜜的滋味。


月下老人有西洋的丘比特之稱,手上握的不是箭而是。我掐指一算拜霞海城隍廟的月下老人次數大概有十次,從大學時代還是一個涉世未深的少女時代,一直到現在涉世仍然未深但歲月已經在我的臉部以及臀部看出痕跡,最恐怖的是我的心態已經步入無比的老態,就是跟老太太一樣的老態!這是一件多麼令挖奔郎震驚的事實,但它就是一個事實,我除了接受還能做甚麼?就是把經驗傳承給大家,發揮一個大我的精神!可是我拜到現在甚麼事情都沒有發生,沒有好姻緣沒有交男朋友一個小人也沒有剷除,可說是甚麼願望都沒有達成(會不會經過我這樣一報,拜拜人數驟降!) 這可以成為各位念碩士研究的論文,題目就是:揪靜是月下老人失了準頭還是我個人就是沒搞頭?我很樂意貢獻這個題目給大家,只要不要忘記在感謝名單中提到我本人就好惹。

For English version, please refer to:

[♥Taiwan] Superstitious is No Crime